Thursday, December 4, 2008


To answer a recent post in our guestbook, Chuck and I have been lazy about updating our website since the wedding and in a way I feel guilty about it because I would like to see more traffic coming in on this site and continue to make this a good way to keep in touch with our family and friends.

But never fear!!! As a result of being victims of Black Sunday shopping, we are awaiting on our new MacBook laptop as we speak!!! It left some factory in China a few days ago, then went to Alaska, and last night it was in transit from Indiana so we are expecting our new bundle of joy to come home any day now ;-)

With Christmas around the corner, we are going to try the best we can to catch up with those who fell through the cracks since our wedding reception...With that being said, we have two tickets available to watch the Virginia Tech basketball team at the Verizon Center in DC this Sunday and so far, we have not gotten any takers to come with us :-( Just throwing it out there...LOL!!!

If we don't hear from any of you or visa versa, Chuck and I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful, happy and healthy New Year!!!


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